IHM's Golf Team offers students in grades 5 through 8 the ability to compete against other schools throughout Cincinnati. We are members of the Cincinnati Middle School Golf League.
Our home matches take place at Little Miami Golf Center in Newtown. Throughout the season, our team will play matches on both the par 3 and regulation courses, depending on the skill level of the golfers in a particular match. We participate in the Little Miami Middle School Open tournament during the year as well as the Cincinnati Middle School Open Championship.
Signups and tryouts for the Competitive Team will take place in April/May 2024 and the season will begin on or around the first weekend of August, prior to the beginning of the school year. If you have any questions about the program, please feel free to contact Tim Donovan at 513-289-7475 or tdonovan14@yahoo.com.
The IHM Instructional Golf Program is designed to give our students an introduction to the game of golf, in a fun environment with their fellow classmates. It is open to boys and girls in grades 3 through 5.
Our program consists of a combination of group clinics with the Golf Professionals at Little Miami Golf Center in Newtown as well as on-course play at the par 3 course. We'll have parents walk along with the groups in order to guide them throughout the round.
Signups for the Instructional Golf Team will take place in April/May 2024 and the season will begin on or around the first weekend of August, prior to the beginning of the school year. If you have any questions about the program, please feel free to contact Tim Donovan at 513-289-7475 or tdonovan14@yahoo.com.